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Aging Reversal BLOG

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Protective Role of Melatonin and Its Metabolites in Skin Aging

The largest organ in the body, the skin, is exposed to the elements and ages due to both inherent and external factors. Wrinkling, elasticity loss, and an appearance of rough texture are just a few of the clinical traits that define the skin aging process.

Numerous anti-aging techniques have lately been created since skin health is thought to be one of the key variables representing total "well-being" and the perception of "health" in people. As a result, even though the basic causes of skin aging are understood, the use of novel compounds in dermatological therapies is becomingincreasinglypopular. Bocheva and an internationalteam of scientists from Germany, USA and Bulgaria discuss the possibility of "aging neutralizers" like melatonin and its metabolites in a recentcomprehensivereview of the scientific literature. The principal neuroendocrine secretory output of the pineal gland is the hormone melatonin, an evolutionarily odescendant of serotonin. In addition to exerting anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and anti-tumor properties, it also controls circadian rhythmicity and sleep. The review provides an overview of skin aging changes, molecular mechanisms underlying these changes, and the support an important role of the melatoninergic anti-oxidative system, which is regulated by melatonin and its metabolites in slowing or stopping skin aging.

Bocheva G, Slominski RM, Janjetovic Z, Kim TK, Böhm M, Steinbrink K, Reiter RJ, Kleszczyński K, Slominski AT. Protective Role of Melatonin and Its Metabolites in Skin Aging. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jan 22;23(3):1238. doi: 10.3390/ijms23031238. PMID: 35163162; PMCID: PMC8835651.


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